The Newly Revised ICAMus Website Links Page Is Now Much Enlarged.
The page of Online Resources in American Music on the ICAMus Website is the most comprehensive listing devoted to diverse aspects of American music and musical life, ever available on the Web. It is constantly researched, compiled, and checked by American-music scholar, Aloma Bardi. We invite you to visit our newly revised and much enlarged LINKS PAGE: 182 websites, pages, and online databases listed to date. 46 Facebook pages of Organizations and Institutions specializing in American Music or specific aspects of it have been included as well.

We acknowledge the increasing importance of culturally oriented Social Media.
The ICAMus Website Links Page has continued listing also Facebook Pages of Organizations and Institutions specializing in American Music or specific aspects of it.
In the increasing importance of culturally oriented use of social media in our time, the ICAMus Links Page now also features a selection of 46 Facebook pages of Organizations and Institutions specializing in American music or specific aspects of it; the number will be still growing as new resource types in this area keep developing.
With 182 Websites, Web pages, and onlines databases listed to date, the ICAMus Links Page provides recommended hyperlinks to specialist reference and archival resources devoted to diverse aspects of American music and musical life. The Facebook page section - added in November 2014 - has much increased the information, while offering the possibility to like the pages, receive direct updates, and interact with them.
The ICAMus Links Page has been widely visited over the years, and has been praised by major specialists and institutions, such as SAM - The Society for American Music, American Music Preservation, and SIdMA - Società Italiana di Musicologia Afroamericana.