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Final rehearsals in Florence for the Early American Music concert of Tuesday, April 4, 2017.

Florence, Italy: soprano Myung San Ko, baritone Kyle Sullivan, flutist and research scholar Viola Shaula Valerio, pianist and music director Anna Toccafondi are doing the final rehearsals for the Early American Music concert of Tuesday, April 4, 2017, featuring works from the American musical past, 1800-1848. A charming, unique, not-to-be-missed program!


EAM Rehearsal 2 (1800x1307).jpg EAM Rehearsal 3 (1800x1201).jpg


PLEASE FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS EVENT HERE. Read, download & print out the Concert Program Note, as well as the song texts and translations HERE. 

AT THE ORIGINS OF ART MUSIC FOR THE FLUTE IN NORTH AMERICA, 1800-1858 - A collaboration ICAMus-Conservatorio di Musica "Luigi Cherubini" di Firenze-Villa and Museo Bardini - VILLA BARDINI, Tuesday, April 4, 2017, 5:30 pm -  Villa and Museo Bardini, Costa San Giorgio 2, 50125 Firenze - Prenotazione obbligatoria: Ingresso concerto con aperitivo € 8,00 - InfoLine: 055 20066206 - mg.geri@bardinipeyron.it - Parcheggio gratuito al Forte Belvedere.





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