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George Gershwin and the Rhapsody in Blue in the ICAMus SoundSpace.

Opening of the ICAMus SoundSpace at the American Music Center Prato: George Gershwin and the Rhapsody in Blue. With Paolo Somigli, Aloma Bardi, LiLai Nan. Bibliographic-documentary exhibit curated and narrated by Paolo Somigli. LiLai Nan plays selections from the Rhapsody and the Song-Book of 1932. An exploration of Gershwin’s kaleidoscopic “work in progress” which for a century has been reimagined and has continued to grow through orchestration, arrangement, performance. American Music Center/Centro di Documentazione sulla Musica Americana, Via Santa Trinita 2, Prato, Italy; February 28, 2025, at 5:30pm; free admittance; no reservation required.


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Among the 2025 events, the AMERICAN MUSIC CENTER AS SOUNDSPACE series is especially dear to us. From an idea by Paolo Somigli, this program makes the space of the Center sound with live music, while we are surrounded by the musical sources we study and perform. The ICAMus SoundSpace opens on February 28, 2025, in the name of GEORGE GERSHWIN!


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Image above: pianist-musicologist LiLai Nan, performing and presenting on Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue at the American Music Center Prato/Centro di Documentazione sulla Musica Americana on February 28, 2025, at the opening of the ICAMus SoundSpace. Photo portrait by Andriana Costa.


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Image above: Flyer/Press Release for the ICAMus SoundSpace events February-May 2025.

Event Program graphic design by LiLai Nan.

 NOTA SUI TRASPORTI. Per chi viene da fuori città e viaggia in treno, la stazione prossima al Palazzo della Musica è quella di Prato Porta al Serraglio (linea Firenze-Pistoia); servizio attivo fino al rientro in tarda sera. 

#icamusSoundSpace #musicsofamericas #icamus #gershwin #georgegershwin #rhapsodyinblue



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