Announcement of upcoming ICAMus events 2024-2025, with a gallery of past major events.
The Center announces new major events in 2024-2025, following the donation of the Organization's Library and Archive to the City of Prato, Italy, and the opening of the new American Music Center (Centro di Documentazione sulla Musica Americana) on May 18, 2024. We are working with young performers to promote an innovative look at American music. Introducing Florentine pianist BENIAMINO IOZZELLI, who on 26 October 2024 plays in Prato, Palazzo della Musica, a program in collaboration with ICAMus, that includes Chopin, Skrjabin and George Crumb, where American music is seen as an integral part of the international musical narrative. ICAMus also renews its collaboration with the Lyceum Club Internazionale Firenze on an Ives lecture-concert event on April 14, 2025, following the all-Castelnuovo-Tedesco concert program, May 20, 2024. The Rhapsody in Blue Centennial is celebrated with a bibliographic exhibit opening in Prato on September 18, 2024; the display remains visible until February 28, 2025. Programs and details to be made available closer to each event. Click on red title to learn more!