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Rhapsody program cover 02-28-2025-page-0.jpg locandina A3-lyceum 2024 verticale bis web (4).jpg
  • 02/28/2025

    George Gershwin and the Rhapsody in Blue in the ICAMus SoundSpace.

    Opening of the ICAMus SoundSpace at the American Music Center Prato: George Gershwin and the Rhapsody in Blue. With Paolo Somigli, Aloma Bardi, LiLai Nan. Bibliographic-documentary exhibit curated by Paolo Somigli. LiLai Nan plays selections from the Rhapsody and the Song-Book of 1932. American Music Center/Centro di Documentazione sulla Musica Americana, Via Santa Trinita 2, Prato, Italy; February 28, 2025, at 5:30pm; free admittance; no reservation required.

  • 04/14/2025

    Alla scoperta della Prima Sonata per pianoforte di Charles E. Ives/Discovering the Piano Sonata No. 1 by Charles E. Ives: A Lecture-Recital with Aloma Bardi and Beniamino Iozzelli.

    ICAMus spring event in Florence! At the historic Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze, Aloma Bardi (lecturer) and Beniamino Iozzelli (piano) explore the Piano Sonata No. 1 by Charles E. Ives. This event marks the second collaboration of ICAMus with Florentine pianist and composer Beniamino Iozzelli, and one more important collaboration with the Lyceum. Palazzo Adami Lami, Lungarno Guicciardini 17, Florence, Italy; Monday, April 14, 2025, at 6:00 PM; free admission with reservation: sezionemusicalyceum@gmail.com.


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