Newly Published Article: Rhapsody in Blue: A work by Gershwin, a work in progress, a “collective” work, by Prof. Paolo Somigli, curator of the Rhapsody in Blue Centennial bibliographic exhibit at the American Music Center Prato.
In this new ICAMus publication, Rhapsody in Blue: A work by Gershwin, a work in progress, a “collective” work, Professor Paolo Somigli (Libera Università di Bolzano/Freie Universität Bozen), a scholar of 20th-century American music, curator of the Rhapsody in Blue Centennial bibliographic exhibit on display at the American Music Center Prato September 18, 2024-February 12, 2025, provides in-depth insights into the unique genesis of one of the most celebrated masterpieces of American music, offering a reflection on Gershwin’s creative process. The article is accompanied and complemented by Dr. Somigli’s Guide to the Rhapsody Centennial bibliographic exhibit, “Rhapsody in Blue: cent’anni di un capolavoro [100 years of a masterpiece]”.
Read and download Dr. Paolo Somigli’s article Rhapsody in Blue: un’opera di Gershwin, un work in progress, un’opera “collettiva” [Rhapsody in Blue: A work by Gershwin, a work in progress, a “collective” work]; PDF; in Italian.

Image above: Dr. Paolo Somigli (Libera Università di Bolzano/Freie Universität Bozen) arranging the Rhapsody in Blue Centennial exhibit at the American Music Center Prato, September 2024.
“Rhapsody in Blue: cent’anni di un capolavoro [100 years of a masterpiece]” showcasing music scores, musicological and biographical milestones, and recordings, including historic items, all from the ICAMus Library. The display remains visible September 18, 2024-February 12, 2025; library office hours Mon-Fri; Centro di Documentazione sulla Musica Americana/American Music Center, Palazzo della Musica, Via Santa Trinita 2, Prato, Italy.
Find out more about the display curated by Paolo Somigli for ICAMus, and read and download (PDF) the guide to the exhibit AT THIS PAGE.