Beniamino Iozzelli: American Music in Conversation with the Great International Piano Repertoire.
In Prato, Italy, Saturday, October 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM. A collaboration of ICAMus with Camerata Strumentale di Prato-Scuola Comunale di Musica “G. Verdi.”
Pianist BENIAMINO IOZZELLI performs a program featuring works by Fryderyk Chopin, Aleksandr Skrjabin, George Crumb (1929-2022; selection from Makrokosmos, Vol. I: Twelve Fantasy-Pieces after the Zodiac, for amplified piano; 1972).
Sala Zipoli, Palazzo della Musica, Via Santa Trinita 2, Prato. Free admission.

An exciting new season has begun for ICAMus, after the successful opening of the American Music Center in Prato, Italy, on May 18, 2024. We are working with young performers to promote an innovative look at American music. Introducing Florentine pianist BENIAMINO IOZZELLI, who on 26 October 2024 plays in Prato, Palazzo della Musica, a program in collaboration with ICAMus, that includes Chopin, Skrjabin and George Crumb, where American music is seen as an integral part of the international musical narrative. Beniamino Iozzelli’s next American music program with ICAMus is the Sonata No. 1 by Charles Ives in Florence on 14 April 2025, a collaboration ICAMus-Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze, following a lecture by Aloma Bardi.

Camerata Strumentale di Prato, Scuola Comunale di Musica “G. Verdi”
In collaborazione con ICAMus-The International Center for American Music
Prato, sabato 26 ottobre 2024, ore 17
Fryderyk Chopin - 1810-1849
Ballata n. 4 in fa min. op 52; comp. 1842, riv. 1843
Mazurka op. 17 n. 4 in la min.; comp. 1832-33
Scherzo n. 4 in mi min. op. 54; comp. 1842
Valzer in la bem. magg. op. 42; comp. 1840
Aleksandr Skrjabin - 1872-1915
Notturno op. 9 per la mano sinistra; comp. 1894
Sonata n. 4 op. 30; comp. ca. 1903, pubbl. 1904
Sonata n. 10 op. 70; comp. 1910
George Crumb - 1929-2022
Makrokosmos, Vol. 1 (1972): n. 4, Crucifixus (Capricorn - Cross visual symbol); n. 8, The Magic Circle of Infinity (Leo - Moto perpetuo - Circle visual symbol), n. 12, Spiral Galaxy (Aquarius - Spiral visual symbol); n. 11, Dream Images (Love-Death Music - Gemini).
The program includes projected images, piano amplification (for the Makrokosmos selection) and a touch of light design. Technical assistance by Michele Barbetti and Alessandro Vanni.
Beniamino Iozzelli shares brief introductory remarks with the audience, prior to the Chopin selection (on Chopin and Skrjabin) and to the Crumb selection.
Program notes by Aloma Bardi.
Read & download the PROGRAM (PDF) - Notes by Aloma Bardi; in Italian. / Leggi e scarica il PROGRAMMA DI SALA - Note illustrative di Aloma Bardi; in lingua italiana:
Artist's photos by Benedetta Manfriani.